Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back to the grind.

I really miss my boys but I'm glad they're back in school. No more idle time spent moping around about how bored they are, no more silly fights to break up, no more food requests every hour.  I was sad, yes. It's never easy to let go of your babies for 7 hours everyday, but I was prepared. At least that's what I told myself. 

I shopped relatively early for all their school supplies, and when it was time to buy new clothes and shoes, I did it all in one day. Even the pantry and fridge were ready for school, stocked with all the lunch essentials the boys love. On the first day, we arrived with plenty of time leftover to give extra kisses to Ethan, and enough time to wait for Sebastian's class to pass us so we could say goodbye to him for the 20th time. Nevermind that we were the only parents of his 4th-grade class standing in the middle of the parking lot waving goodbye as if he were leaving on some year-long voyage to the Amazons. It sounds worse than it was. Maybe. Well, at least I didn't blow kisses even though I wanted to, I really did! I told Bobby that I felt like the parents in "Big"--you know, the ones that completely embarrass Josh by taking his picture just as he was having some success being cool in front of his crush at the carnival. Yeah. That was me. So...

Preparedness---I was ready for. Commitment---I was not.  Getting up at 7 everyday, waking Miss Clementine up from her slumber before she's ready to everyday, packing lunches everyday, filling water bottles everyday, parking way too far in the crazy heat just to walk my boy to his line everyday. Aye aye aye! 

But it's exciting. And nothing could've prepared me for the gushy-mushy feeling I get when I pull up to the front of the school at 3 and I see my boys there. Together. Laughing. And I see a mouthed "come on" from one of them, and their smiling faces beam as they get closer to the car.


Kirsty said...

Awww...I love your posts, I relate to them so well too. I am so the embarrassing mother with the camera and the lingering too long and the last wave in the 5th grade classroom door...eek. Hey, at least they know we love them ;)

Thanks for getting me a little more positive about losing them to school once again. My BABY is starting kindergarten. It will be the first (and only I think) year they will all be in the same building at the same time. That is going to be super cute, especially watching them walk home together.

Your kids really are beautiful.

Nani said...

Awww! That is really cute :)