Monday, August 17, 2009

It's been an entire week....

...since I last blogged! 

Yes, I stay at home. Yes, in theory I should have extra time on my hands, but really--that's just crazy-talk. I was so busy last week, and still some things were left undone. (Sorry bathrooms) So, blogging to a backseat to everything else and I never got around to it. 

I hope this weeks turns out a little better.....I have 4 bathrooms to clean, floors to mop, carpets to shampoo, windows to wash, clothes to put away cuz they've been sitting in piles in my closet forever and a day now, and a bathroom to paint. Yippee!

My house is my priority this week. JUST GET IT DONE. Here's a glimpse into my humble abode...

My LOVE blocks

The flag from Flagstaff hanging in my craft room.

Scrapbook fridge!

The kids never pick up their stuff!!!

Clemmie's tents that she never plays with. sigh.

1 comment:

JennyLee said...

I hadn't blogged in almost 3 weeks! So with that being said you don't have to feel bad at all. ;) I stayed up cleaning until after 2am Friday house isn't even big!