Thursday, August 6, 2009

Miss C

Tomorrow Clementine will be 16 months old. 

So that means in 8 months she will be 2. I can't even imagine that. Like, wasn't it just yesterday that I was pushing her out of my womanly part? And now today she is running all over the house and telling me when she goes poop. Really? I mean, as much as I don't miss those sleepless nights I miss her---then. I would've endured a few more months of zombiness to have her stay tiny just a bit longer. 

Why does time have to fly, anyway? Can't it just glide a little, or hover over us for a while or something? But fly? Must it insist on flapping its wings like some crazed duck that's trying to escape from a group of drunk hunters? I mean, all that really necessary?

So I look at Clementine who by now has mastered walking, talks a little, sleeps on her own, actually plays with her toys, watches TV (I have caught her full-on watching iCarly with the boys, I kid you not!) has a thousand teeth (ok--12) and is smarter than I ever remember a toddler to be. She totally gets it. I mean--everything. I know I gush all the time about her, but sometimes I'm amazed at how much she just seems to really know. 16 months is not a long time, but somehow little humans figure it out. 

There are times that she looks at me like, "Just you wait, Mom. Telling me no? Ha! I'll be having you pull your hair out in about 10 years. Just. You. Wait." 

Whatevs. Truth be told, I will gladly wait. But I don't really have to wait, cuz I'm already paranoid about all the little adventures she gets herself into. 

Her newest thrill is running along the entire length of my couch and even falling sometimes! She just tumbles off, without a single tear. Meanwhile, I'm freaking out that she's broken something while she just walks off with a smile. I'm thinking I must be pretty entertaining when I'm being Anxious Mom. 

And just yesterday, Sebastian's all, "Isn't she like a wild horse that can't be broke?" 

And I couldn't help but think of Tori so I said, "Yes, she is. And she's definitely a thoroughbred."

Clemmie in the garage watching her brothers on their bikes. 
Oh, how she loves them!

(Oh, and just so you know, Miss Clementine, I look forward to all the days ahead with you. The good, the bad, the in-between. Even if you have tricks up your sleeve, or made some pact with my mom to get me back for my own teenage years, I will enjoy every moment. And for now, I will watch you as you sleep, and stroke your hand as you nurse. I will dance with you in the kitchen to "See You on the Moon," and hold you while I vacuum because you're scared of it if I don't. And I will always, always, let you know how excited I am that we are in each other's lives!)

So, time flies....yes. But only when you're having fun!


JennyLee said...

Beautiful just like her Mama!

BTW love the Coldplay cover. Jem is too cool.

Kirsty said...

Awwww. She is gorgeous-absolutely a thoroughbred. I miss stroking a little nursling hand...sniff. What is up with Time? So obnoxious.