Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh Em Gee!

Fall Break is already next week, and that means Sebastian's birthday will be here before I know it, and Halloween will be around the next cobwebbed corner! Yikes! 

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm in the process of figuring out Seb's party, but I also have the huge task of figuring out Seb and Bobby's costumes this year! 

Seb was going to go as Wolverine--I'd already figured out that I'd just have to look for an old brown jacket, have him wear his own jeans and white t-shirt, buy some fake facial hair, and style his hair like Logan's. Oh, and of course purchase the blades somewhere. Relatively easy. Then, I mentioned to him that he should be Weird Al (since he watches his videos every chance he gets!) or Edward from Twilight. Yes, he likes the movie! He's a romantic, what can I say? And when I mentioned Edward, he was immediately torn. 

Wolverine (his hero) or Edward (Mr. Cool Vampire)????

Guess who he chose?

Edward Cullen, it is!

This costume should be fun! The only part of the costume I've gotten so far are the fangs! Now I have to find a dark jacket, black sunglasses, the right makeup, temporary hair color, and possibly contacts. Whew. Maybe I've bitten off more than I can chew!! ;-)

As for me and the Mr.?

Woody and Bo!

I purchased my costume online already, so that's settled. I have a funny feeling finding a yellow and red plaid shirt won't be as easy to find, though. That, and the cow-print vest. 

Aye dios mio!

That's the fun of Halloween, though, isn't it? Deciding on costumes, putting them together to become someone or something else for the night.....eating tons of candy and taking tons of embarrassing pictures. That's what it's all about, and I can't wait to see the final results!!

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