Is brought to you today by the letter L.
As in
Lovely spring day
Long Hair (Ethan's. Clearly not mine)
Lemonade (Which, by the way, is not in the photo. We were drinking it, though.....cross my heart.)
March 12, 2009 - Heritage Square, Phoenix
I don't remember why we were in downtown Phoenix, but we stopped for lunch at a really cute
restaurant right across from the acclaimed Pizzeria Bianco that we love so much but never get to eat at anymore thanks to stupid Martha Stewart and her rave reviews of the place. Did she really have to call it the best pizza in America and make us wait 3 hours for a table? Just cuz she can waltz in unannounced anytime she pleases.....not fair.
So we ate under a pretty little canopy with those faux-curtain things on it in the front "yard" (the buildings are old homes, I believe) and enjoyed each other's company, a sometimes fussy baby, and corn chowder.
And sandwiches and cookies and lemonade and stuff.
Bobby took this picture of me and Ethan and oh how I miss his hair poking out from under his hat!
I'm thinking there will be no more trips to the barber for that boy.
At least not for a year.
Ethan wears the long hair very well. However with that face he could wear anything and be cute!
This is a great picture of the both of you. Boys...they just tug at your heart strings.
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