Monday, September 14, 2009

Weekend Update

Ethan with "Liberty Bear," his new best friend from school. He gets to keep him for a week and take him all sorts of places while documenting his adventures in a special "Liberty Bear" folder. He is thrilled with the responsibility.

Wanna know what I'm hearing a lot lately?

"Can I bring Liberty Bear?" 

And each and every time my answer brings joy to his face. 
You can actually see it. He's not just happy. He's joyful.

He's still such my baby boy.

Here we are getting our picture taken by Mr. Ethan at Sebastian's football game. He's been wanting to hold my new camera in his little hands for some time, so finally I gave in. 

He was wearing a baseball cap and holding a teddy bear. Like I had a choice.

(I actually love this photo of us. The boy's got some skillz.....I think I might bring him along on photo shoots next time I go out. I do recall he was pretty awesome with a reflector for Muna's forest shoot.)

The sky Sebastian played under. 

 We had fun cheering for the boy, (GO SEBBIE!) especially Daddy who used an umbrella stick to pound hard on the aluminum bleachers. I got a little was so loud! But I loved his enthusiasm. I really appreciate that I don't care what anyone thinks of me side of him. Really, I do.

It was a perfect Saturday morning.

(Okay--so this was more of a "one-morning-of-an-entire-weekend-update," but you get the idea.)

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