Clemmie is sleeping. She's probably dreaming of our new puppy.
To say she loves him is an understatement, but I will anyway. She loves him. She is crazy about him, and lets him give her "kisses" on the mouth even with his scratchy nails playfully catching her skin every now and then. She calls him "Woof," for obvious reasons. I love that she calls him that. If our days weren't full before, they definitely are now with Woof/Ollie/Rufus running all over the place.
Basically, we now have 4 children.
I was supposed to start potty training him today, but got sidetracked by errands and a hungry little girl. So I'll purchase the crate later. In the meantime, he sits at my feet when I'm on the computer, or at Sebbie's feet while he eats at the table. I think he loves us already! He's so playful and has such soulful eyes. I think JD would approve. In fact, I bet JD is looking down right now and glad that the kids have another doggie to love. Although he may be a bit resentful that this one's inside and he wasn't. Oh no, I feel incredibly sad just thinking about that....
A girl and her dog.
Taking him for a walk in the backyard. So sweet.
So Clemmie's sleeping and I'm blogging. I should be doing laundry or some other obnoxious daily chore, but oh well. I haven't been good about blogging, and I have to get back in the habit. And besides, the laundry can wait. UPDATING MY LIFE CANNOT. hmph.
The agenda for the weekend?
Tonight is the First Fridays Artwalk in downtown Phoenix. I haven't been in over a year so I'm super excited to go with my family. The boys have never been. Most likely we'll hit up PPP beforehand to fill everyone's tummies then head on over with my bro and his girls.
Tomorrow is Seb's last football game! Wow. What a season. It was his first Pop Warner season, and although he wasn't a star player, he went out there and tried. He didn't always want to, and at the end he didn't care to go at all, but I'm glad he finished out the season, and now we have some free time during the week!
Tomorrow night---OMG I am so excited about this.......Bobby and I are going to..........
We have never gone together, so it will be a first. I just know we're gonna have so much fun---I mean, we actually get to go on rides together! That never happens with three kiddos!!

Then on Sunday, Mr. Sebastian and myself are going on a date to the theatah! We're gonna see PHANTOM! Yes, he's 10-years-old, but around 2 years ago, he became obsessed with the movie and even went as the Phantom for Halloween! He's pretty cool like that. Must get it from his mother. So, he has no idea what we're doing for our date, and I won't tell him until we get there. I love surprises.
Halloween, 2007.
I love dates with my boys.......which reminds me.....I haven't done one with Ethan in some time.....I need to step it up! ;-)
Have a Happy Weekend! Until Monday.....
1 comment:
Adorable pics as usual! :)
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