Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The baby is crying in the swing. Ethan is home sick with a stomach virus and he's somewhatplaying with Clementine. It goes from happy to tears, back to happy, a small meltdown, and finally a long moment or two of peaceful playing.

I take what I can get with these two.

There's laundry to be done. I took a peek of my guest room which isn't really a guest room at all but more of a room with a bed that holds all of my unfolded laundry, and felt overwhelmed. There was a mountain of clothes sitting, waiting.

And it will wait until there are some free hands.

These free hands are busy typing. I've been feeling a little sad lately about blogging. Each time I intend to "start again," but I never do. Weeks, no months, pass by. And I guess there's a little guilt because I know how much I documented with Clemmie when she was a baby. There isn't too much of Vega on here.

So I sat down at my desk and instead of editing photos I began to type. Wondered what photos to post. What events to talk about. What milestones to brag about.

She's six months now....utterly beautiful and fills my heart with so much love everyday. She's attached to me JUST LIKE CLEMENTINE was, and although my back and arms ache from holding her growing body all day long, I love it. For now, she is all mine. She gives me kisses dripping with saliva and I relish in them. She nurses ALL NIGHT LONG and I'm thankful I can provide for her in such a sweet way. I am a zombie most mornings, but I wake to an angel. It's not so bad.

She celebrated her first Easter a couple days ago. I can't say she was excited about finding eggs or receiving a basket from the Easter Bunny, but it was still kind of a big deal to me. Clementine had a good time searching for eggs, as did Ethan. But it kills me to say that for the first time in his life, Sebastian was a "hider," not a "finder."

It kinda broke my heart. He's only 11. I thought he had at least a couple years of hunting left in him. Maybe next year with some coaxing....

So anyway, it feels good to be back to my liddo bloggy blog. Missed her. Between starting a new business, raising four kids, being a wifey/housecleaner/cook/chauffeur, and finding my own time to wind down, it's tough to find time for my favorite pastimes. Blogging is definitely one of them. Reading, too. I haven't done much of either and funny thing is I actually told Bobby I wanted the Tina Fey autobiography in my basket this Easter - I didn't get it. I think my request was too late. But hey, at least I got a basket. I even got to "hunt" for it in the morning with the kids.

Bobby is a sweetheart.

So I guess I'll just have to get a sitter, head on over to my FAVORITE bookstore, grab a bite to eat next door, and read for an hour. OR two. Alone. A little "6 month anniversary of my littlest person" gift, if you will.

Cuz like I always say, "If Mama's happy, EVERYBODY'S happy!"

Speaking of happiness, here she is in all her happiness-giving glory....





6 months.


Marcela said...

The baby is just darling...your trip to the bookstore sounds like something I need also!

Carol said...

Vega is one beautiful baby...seriously, her eyes are gorgeous..now the "wake to an angel" line makes perfect sense.

Anna said...

Those are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! What a cutie :)

Angeles said...

my goodness Krista! you make the most adorable babies! she is precious and beautiful...i love her eyes! they are so sweet!! :)sounds to me like you are a wonderful momma and you should feel very proud! :)