Friday, September 16, 2011

TMI. And I don't care!

It's tiny - but there!

Vega's first tooth has finally graced us with its presence. After 10 months of bare gums, I can now feel the jagged ridges of a baby tooth. Her left one on the bottom, to be exact - just in case someday she might wanna know that.

She still looks the same - you would never know she had a tooth unless you were searching for it. But it's there - and it's legit. She'll be a year in a month and a half. Guess it had to happen sometime.

In addition to all the hooplah surrounding her new tooth, I think I'm done breastfeeding her. It wasn't planned this way, and if you know me, you would know how a piece of me is devasted that my nursing days are over because I am the biggest sentimental on earth. But with the addition of this new tooth of hers, maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I have some shudder-inducing memories from when the other kids were babies - they would turn their heads abruptly and pull away with my nipple firmly planted between their spiky little teeth not letting go until I screamed with pain. Only then would they let go and look at me like I was crazy.

But I really wanted to breastfeed her until she was 2, teeth and all. I just wasn't producing enough milk to keep it going. And YES - to all the ignorants out there - and you know who you are - breastfeeding past the age of one has MANY benefits. Do your research and please don't mistake your opinion from truth. I'll step down from the podium now, thank you. She won't benefit from them, but she's healthy and that's all that matters. I gave her nearly a year's worth of antibodies and perfect nutrition. I think she'll be good.

And my nipples will be, too. Thanks.

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