Thursday, April 2, 2009

This little blog of mine.

I'm gonna let it shine.....someday.

My poor neglected blog.

You're looking a little frail.

I think I need to feed you.


No, no. Facebook hasn't replaced you. It's just a new obsession. It'll pass.

You--you're here to stay. You're my baby.

Here, have some food...

Um, yes. I do talk to my blog just as I talk to myself. I am weird. I will admit that now and if anything on this blog is ever questionable, then you can refer back to this post. You have been warned.

I am also obsessive. Yes, I actually have OCD, but the obsessive I'm talking about right now is the annoying, incorrectly overused obsessive. Like when someone says, "OMG I am OBSESSED with Wetzel Dogs!" Yunno, that kind.

So, I'm a bit obsessed with Miss Clementine's party right now (and the raspberry Ciao Bella I'm eating at the moment). The decorations, the goodie bags, you name it, I'm all over it and then some. But see, to me, it's fun. I love the party planning process, so although it's a bit stressing, it's worth it. Kinda like a weird hobby that I only get to partake in 3x a year, but this time--this party's for a GIRL

But of course no obsessive party planning is complete without a trip to the local craft store. Well, since I'm in suburbia, my local craft store is the ridiculously overpriced Michael's. I've gone there this past month way more than anyone should ever go in a year. Just today as we were walking in the store Ethan asked, "Where are we going?" 

And I was like, "Michael's." 

And he was all, "Oh no! I HATE Michael's!" 

And I was like, wait a minute. You do know that this is the place where I bought you that cool little plant with the cyclops face that we somehow didn't end up paying for and when we got home and discovered that, your entire body got sad so I went out the next day and got you a new one and you were all happy again, right? The same store. This one...right here??

So Michael's has been my right-hand man these past few weeks, providing me with piles of paper and ribbons to create decor out of, and because of that, I have neglected this here blog. And Facebook is the thief that has been stealing the rest of my time.  

Like now, it's just after 11pm. I should be in bed, but I'm doing some blogging because I know I won't get around to it tomorrow....why? More party stuff! More house cleaning 'cause I didn't get around to it today! Yay!

Oh well.

It is what it is.

A mess.


Kiera said...

Oh I love me a good party! I can't wait to see the pictures!
Your right on the money with FB... it is a thief! My blog is a bit malnourished too!

Gini said...

Looking forward to pics from the party.

As far as FB. I tell myself everyday that I am shuttin' her down....but I just can't bring myself to it. It is taking away time that I would normally read blogs......I have over 1000 posts in my reader that I have neglected. Boo hoo.

Krista said...

I'll post pics soon, but crazy as it was, I didn't take enough! boo!

Yeah, I need a little break from FB.

But how in the heck am I gonna do that?? ;-)