Friday, July 31, 2009

I have 18 minutes to blog


Since it's Friday, and there are 2 days of leisure up ahead, I thought I'd list just a few of my favorite films of all time! In the event that you are bored, or just want to watch something you may have never seen, I highly recommend the following pictures: (of course, go pick up some unhealthy snacks at Walgreens before settling in. There's no other way to do it.)

These particular movies are not kid-friendly, but just in case you want to know why, just stop by here to get the low-down on all the violence, sex, and scary stuff that make up the rating. 

Now--on with the show:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Ok--I love this film. It is tres romantique and completely unforgettable. Watch it with an open mind and then watch it again. It is that good. I named my daughter after one of the main characters, so I guess you could say I am in ♥ with this film!

Vanilla Sky. I am such a sucker for weird romantic flicks. Like the above, watch with an open mind and heart--and you just might shed a tear or two at the end. Ahhhhh.....the end is perhaps one of the saddest I've seen, and you may not agree with me, but I'll tell you why "in another life when we are both cats..." sorry....I guess you'd have to see the movie to actually get that one.

Closer. If I were a guy I'd move to NY to stalk or marry Natalie Portman. But I'm not, so I just watch all her movies and marvel at her cuteness. Plus, this film has Jude Law playing a wandering-eye writer, (eyes, British accent, swoon) has a great message about the ill-effects of infidelity, and is just put together really well. You want them together, you just do...will they make it or won't they? Watch and see. 

Wuthering Heights. "If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime, he couldn't love you as much as I do in a single day."  Okay. I just realized that I'm such a sap-whore. These films that I love so much are all so heartbreaking, romantic, and even a tad melancholy. So maybe your man doesn't want to watch this one with you 'cause it's old and black & white? So what? Grab some ice cream and get comfy. You will hate Cathy - you will hate Heathcliff. But in the end you will love them. And let's face it---you will undoubtedly pity them for their complete and utter nonsense.

Wristcutters: A Love Story. Super cute. Super indie. Super ending. DO NOT judge this movie by its title. Please.

Chungking Express. Two stories in one. Foreign. You will fall in love with the girl in the 2nd story. She is infatuated and bit crazy, but she is adorable and thanks to her, you'll be singing along to the Mamas and the Papas all day long. Highly recommended!

I have so many more, but my time is up! These should suffice - so go rent some movies!

Have a fabulous Friday!

1 comment:

Emily said...

thanks for the tips. You know, a ton of people raved about Eternal Sunshine...but I totally hated it! I loved Closer though.