So.....dare I say it?
Yes. I will, because it's a blog, for Pete's sake. It's not like I'm not saying my entire house will be organized or anything ridiculous like that.
I'm back!
There. I said it.
I'm gonna get back into the groove of updating my LIFE ON COMPUTER because someday when my kids are older and reading this here blog, they will NOT be happy if I take more than a couple weeks off. Can you just imagine? Ethan will be scanning for his personal anecdotes and of course the one thing he's looking for will be missing. "No stories about my first loose tooth? Not even a brief mention? And you call yourself my mother???"
Aye Dios Mio.
*Yep. Yesterday my little Ekers complained about a sore tooth. I helped him floss, then I looked closer and saw a new tooth growing behind his front-right-bottom-tooth! I immediately checked to make sure that his baby one was on the way out, and sure enough, it moved! When I told him what I had found, his face lit up and the first thing he said was, "Yay! Now I get to get dollars from the tooth fairy!!!"
Along with his comment 15 minutes later about wanting to live in a hotel when he grows up, I have high hopes for the boy. He wants money and people to clean up after him.
So now I have a plan in the event that he ever he complains about school work, I can just say, "You'd better stop complaining because if you want to live in a hotel when you grow up and have people clean up your mess, you have to do well in school. EVEN Kindergarten. It all starts now all starts now........"
Nothing wrong with a little head start...
YAY!! Glad you are back!
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