Friday, September 25, 2009

Random Friday Post

Mr. Ethan lost a tooth about six days ago and I completely forgot to blog about it. It was his FIRST lost tooth, mind you, so the forgetfulness on my part is quite unacceptable. Understandable given the amount of stress I've been under with sick kids, but unacceptable.

He got $3 for his tooth from the sweet 190-lb. Tooth Fairy that visits our house (and sleeps beside me in bed.) The TF forgot about it on the first night as the TF has done in the past with a few of Sebastian's teeth, so it wasn't shocking to Ethan when we explained that she probably just didn't see it. Maybe it moved too much while he slept and she didn't want to wake him so she'd return the following night. Nice how we blamed him. The next night he put it back under his pillow and I assured him that its location could not be missed. 

And it wasn't. TF arrived, snatched the tooth, and left him cash. He woke up very pleased with his "dollars." 

Moments after the tooth came out. Victory! Dollars!!

It was perfect, like a shiny little pearl.

And the tooth is officially "missing"

There. Whew. I got that down. His milestone is documented on this here blog and now I won't always have to leave the house wondering what I'm forgetting when really all I forgot was to blog about Ethan's tooth.

So the weekend is finally here and look what I got! I started reading it today and of course lost track of the time. If I had waited even 5 more minutes to leave, I would've had to pick up the boys in the office and get a phone call from the receptionist letting me know my boys are waiting for me and will you be here soon? Then I'd get questioned by Sebbie. Why were you late, Mommy? Oh, well, er....I was reading the new Stephanie Meyer book and I couldn't put it down, I told myself just 5 more minutes, but you know how that is Sebastian, like when you were all into Fablehaven and you insisted I buy you the new book like that understand obsession, right???

If I have it my way, I'll have a review ready to go by Monday. 

I also found these beauties in my fridge. I think I'm gonna make some pear juice cuz they're this close to turning brown.

And I'll use this to squeeze the life out of 'em.
happy weekend!


Unknown said...

I love your blog!

And, wow...the first tooth?! I loved his pic with his missing tooth--such a cutie!

JennyLee said...

First tooth! Very exciting!