Thursday, September 24, 2009


Wednesday afternoon I started one of my volunteer duties for Ethan's class. I am now officially his classroom's "Art Masterpiece" instructor. That means I get to stand in front of his class once a month for an hour and talk about a particular artist, give a little history, and help them create a relatively easy art project that they can complete in 30 minutes. I wish I could go more often, but the school only allots one hour every month to the program. I remember going to art class every week in elementary school. It makes me sad that art isn't a priority in their school district, so needless to say, I love volunteering for this position, and I'm doing it for Seb's class, as well.

So after setting up my supplies for all the students, I waited while Mrs. M brought them in from lunch. I only wish I could have videotaped Ethan's face when he walked in, threw his lunchbox in the class bin, and looked up to see me standing in his class. I was definitely a nice surprise. He gave me a silly grin, mouth wide open, slightly embarrassed, but very excited that his mommy was actually in his classroom! I think it made his day, and that made mine.

I can't wait til next month's lesson! The kids were so much fun, and the best part is that I get to bring a treat for them to eat afterward so they totally love "Ethan's Mom" now! (Yes, that was my name for the day, and although I thought it was really funny, Ethan in fact, did not.)

So lately, in addition to all the "Art Masterpiece" talk around the house, he's really been into drawing, painting, glitter, and stamping. In fact, when I took Sebbie to the art museum I bought a stamp kit for Ethan, and he is just nuts about it. He talks about when he's gonna stamp next, and he makes me these incredible pictures out of his fingerprints. He's made caterpillars, dogs, people, you name it. His pictures make me happy. 

Reminder: Buy thumbtacks tomorrow to hang pictures in office. K. Noted.

I just know that when I look back at these pictures I'll remember Ethan as he is today. He is the little boy that beams when I show up at his school unexpected and kisses me without hesitation, without worry of who might be looking. He is the same little boy that tells me he loves me out of the blue and often begins it with "I really, really..." He is the little boy that I read to at night, and curl up with on his bed as he starts to drift off to sleep. I'll remember Ethan's hands, how small they once were, wide fingers like his daddy, that held mine when we crossed the street. His enthusiasm at the mention of the word, "dessert." 

I guess I'll always remember these things, and more. It's part of being a mommy. But his pictures, his art---these are a part of his soul at age 5. IMO, anyway. So naturally, they speak to my heart a millionfold.

His fingerprint people.
 They make me happy. 
One has a basketball, and lookie there! There's a caterpillar walking in between them all!

*Art is so important-----especially for kids! So bust out your stamp pads, paper, and let them loose. It's amazing how much fun this type of art can be for little kids. 


The K Family said...

I know EXACTLY which art kit Ethan has because Aleksander has the exact same one. Is it in a tin container? Love it!!

Rosemary said...

That's great!! They used to have that program when my daughter was in elementary school!!
Answer to your question is, no that isn't candy in the jars, but toy spiders, and rubber spiders.
Have a great weekend,

Unknown said...

That's wonderful you get to be involved!

And I agree--art is important! Isabella loves it when we break out our art supplies :)

Love the picture, too. So sweet!