'Twas a good weekend.
Saturday evening I had dinner at Brio with some girlfriends, then four of us wandered over to Kona for a beer afterward and three of us ended the night at The Keg for dessert (all in walking distance--we're not that crazy.) It was great to catch up with them. I hadn't seen Manisha in forever since she's a working mama now, and Deni just got back from a month in Bulgaria. We had a lot to talk about.
Then on Sunday, for the second time in a row, we went to church.........Um.....Whatever, right? Well, it's kind of a big deal cuz if you know me, you would know that I am not a church person. I am a God person, but I'm not a church person. But Bobby and I really want to start going because this church that we do visit from time to time is really, really awesome. Almost all of the messages hit home, and it just feels good getting in the car after a great sermon and talking about it with the kids on the way home. It reflects how we want to live our lives, so we're taking the plunge and committing to a weekly service. Hurray! Applause!
After church, Sebastian and I went on a date to the Phoenix Art Museum. He was excited. I was tired, but I was excited, too. I love our dates together, and it's important for us to be together exclusively, even for just a few hours. It fills both our souls, and we were overdue.
I took him to my favorite parts of the museum: the pitch-black Yayoi Kusama room filled with thousands of hanging LED lights surrounded by mirrored walls (our favorite--hands down), the haunting Phillip C. Curtis collection (always makes me feel alone so I don't know why I love it so....), the Thorpe miniature rooms (his 2nd favorite, and my favorite as a kid, too), the Contemporary and Modern collections, and the emotive portraiture exhibit currently on display.
Although he didn't LOVE the art as much as I do, he definitely enjoyed himself. And being 9, I think he LOVED the art as most 9-year-olds would. So I'm completely okay with that. I didn't expect him to leave with a new purpose in life, dreaming of a bohemian lifestyle in Paris surrounded by musicians and other artists who would inspire him to create masterpieces with his hands, no. I didn't expect that. I just wanted to hang out with him and share something with him that is important to me. Yunno, to let him in on my life and interests outside of what he sees everyday as Mom.
What surprised me, though, was how fascinated he was with Asian art. He wanted to see every single piece, while I probably could've skipped the entire collection and was going to do so until he insisted we see it. And I'm so glad we did. He especially loved looking at the ancient scrolls and we were both amazed to see how much detail and color was put into some of them.
Being the Curious George that he is, he was impressed by the building itself with its corriders and large rooms. He was excited to wander down random hallways or up a mysterious staircase to see where it might lead. So I let him.
He had fun. We had fun. Hand in hand.

In the "firefly" room.

Fun on a Sun.
I left with a Frida card for myself and an art kit for Ethan, while Sebbie left with a velvet pouch full of shiny magnetic stones, which to him is about the equivalent of receiving a pouch full of large, colorless diamonds.
Our date ended with a trip to Haji Baba, of course, and we brought some food home for the rest of the gang desperately awaiting our arrival. Yeah right. Turns out Miss C was sleeping almost the entire time and Bobby and Ethan trimmed our trees and bagged up the mountains of fallen branches and leaves. In other words, they worked while we played.
And then, somehow, the weekend was over.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I heart the Phoenix Art Museum. Well, actually I just LOVE art. Can't get enough of it.
Are you a Frida Kahlo fan too? I could go on and on about her. We should chat.
In response to your comment on my page about the tooth, we left him $10 the first time---completely by default because we didn't have anything smaller. His 2nd tooth got him $5, so we may just keep it at that for his 3rd. :)
Ok-LOVE Brio-LOVE The Keg (Did you check out Total Wine yet?) and LOVE your banner!
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