Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wandering Wednesdays

Clementine Velouria. November 13, 2008. 7 months old

I had just received this hat in the mail that I purchased off Etsy. (Get yours here!) I had been waiting and waiting for it to arrive, and when it did, I was NOT disappointed. I put it on the girl, and this was before she started pulling everything off her head the minute I put it on her, and she left it on while I took a bazillion photos of her modeling it.

Good news is that it's kinda adjustable so I think she might be able to wear it again this winter! Score!


Kirsty said...

Oh my....she's a vision in it. Gorgeous! I so hope it still fits :)

The K Family said...

So cute!

Oh and while you were taking pics of Clementine modeling the cap, I was in labor. :)

Krista said...

Thank you, Kirsty!! I hope so too!

And M--that is too funny! The babies actually aren't that far apart in age! They should have a playdate when he gets a little older (cuz she's in this phase right now and I'm like, Really? ugh!)