Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wandering Wednesdays (kinda)

And what, or should I say, who do we have here?

This sweet, precious, little girl is my mother, MaryJane. And today is her birthday.

She turned 60.

That's quite a big deal birthday, wouldn't you say?

I took her out to lunch today and regretted later the unpleasant mood I was in. Like, couldn't that have been put on hold for a couple of hours? The selfishness of the last born! I'm such a little biyotch sometimes, Gosh!

But it was great to see her on her day. We both ate a Greek salad with dressing on the side that we thought was just okay, and totally agreed that the pita bread was amazing. But we ate together at the same table and talked about whatever we could fit in between outbursts by Clementine, questions by Ethan, and musings courtesy of Sebastian. 

I asked her how she felt to be 60, and she paused and thought about her answer for a bit before she spoke. Her expression left me with the notion that she wasn't comfortable with her response, which was something along the lines of, "It feels kind of weird."

I wished at that moment the kids weren't around because I wanted to know why. I wanted to get deeper, but with my nosey and distracting darlings, the interruptions were aplenty. Clearly, this wasn't the time. Or place.

My mom is a mystery in so many ways. She is beautiful with a big heart, but there are sides to her that I don't know very well. There are tunnels inside her heart where she stores all the parts of her that she doesn't show the world, those that she keeps to herself, hidden away and very protected. I understand that. I have those parts, too.

I wonder if someday we could talk about them together. I'd like very much to know more about this person who is my mother. The person that turned 60 years old today. The person that loves her crafts and Christmas carols. The person that is almost exactly 50 years older than my eldest son, minus 2 days. The person that can perfectly apply red lipstick without using a mirror. 

or as i like to call her:


You know I love you, Mom!

Happy Birthday to you--may your 60's kick a$$!!!

(One more thing, Mom...The lack of cursing in this post was entirely for your sake!)

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