Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wishful Wednesday

Wishful Wednesday

'I wish' .... I could relive one particular holiday experience over and over again, and it would be.....

....getting together at my grandparents' house every Christmas Eve with all of my family. It felt like such a huge celebration with so many people, and as a kid, that unity felt magical.

My parents were still married, so Christmas was spent with both of them. I took that for granted then, being a kid and all, but it was what the holidays were all about - family/time/love. 

Getting together at my Grandparents' house was an unspoken tradition, and afterward, we would go back to our own house to open presents together - just my parents, sisters, brother, and myself. Everything about those Christmas days felt safe and warm and perfect.

My grandparents are no longer with us, my parents have long been divorced, and us cousins don't get together for the holidays anymore. But I go back in my mind whenever I want to...I'm thankful I had those days at all, even if they're long gone. I would love to go back, experience it just one more time.

Now we have our own traditions, and someday hopefully my children will look back and want to relive these days again. 

I already do. 


Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Of course your kiddos will want to relive all your fun family traditions. If not, make them! hahah!

JennyLee said...

Sounds magical!