Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Potty Training: Day 3!!

I'm stressed. So stressed - not about Clemmie and her random accidents on the floor (only a few, thank goodness!) but about Sebastian. See, in two days he leaves on a 1-day trip to the Grand Canyon with his class. ALL DAY LONG. Literally from 4:30 in the morning to 8:30 at night. Why does this freak me out? Why am I stressing out like I'm in the middle of a really bad OCD episode?

Because I am a paranoid mother. No question. I think about all the horrible things that could happen and I can't help but be on the verge of an anxiety attack this whole week. I wouldn't feel this way if I was going (I wasn't selected as one of the chaperones) but I'm not, so just knowing that my 10-year-old first-born is going - all alone - to the biggest canyon in the world makes today just a little hard to get through.

Bobby assures me that he will be fine - the parent meeting I attended assured me he will be fine. But still. My family calls me a worry wart. I BEYOND hate being called that. But right now it's true, dangit!

A part of me wants to follow the buses on the two and half hour trip up north, but hello crazy mother! Can you just imagine? Besides, they've already told us that parents are not allowed to come in their own cars. Yes, I asked...

So I'm trying really hard to stay calm - for my sake, but for Seb's too. Deep breathing will help and focusing on the positive. I KNOW worrying never helps - but with my anxiety history it's really difficult right now.

I also have Clemmie to help shift my focus on "something else" - her training. It's going really well and so far she's peed 4 times today, (1 accident) but no poop. I'm hoping - HOPING - that she will learn to do THAT on the potty, too. She did a big #2 on the floor yesterday, so.....

Crossing my fingers...

We spent an hour dancing in the living room to The Killers, Natalie Merchant, and Jakob Dylan - each time she goes pee we do a celebratory dance. They last much longer than one song - she makes sure of that. She grabs my hand and says, "Dance!"

And so I do.
With relish.

She just peed all over the couch!!!!


Tyler said...

OK you must email me this three day thing you are talking about! Sounds like things are much more successful on your end!!!

First visit.. and I will def. be coming back for more.. what totally adorable kiddos!!! (yes I sometimes go a little crazy with !'s cant help it ;)

Melodramommy said...

Hi! So nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. We have so much in common. I worry about my kids going to a simple trip to the doctor or just walking out of the stroller where (gasp) they can touch some germs and put their fingers in their mouth. I CANNOT even fathom thinking about a trip to the grand canyon. One word of advice, do NOT watch those "I survived" shows on TV. They're very entertaining but do nothing but to add to all the possible horrible scenarios that are most likely not going to happen but things that a concerned mommy thinks about. Keep in touch : )

LeeAnn said...

Hi Krista! Stopping by from the D-List party.

I'm a total worry wort too, and I would be paranoid too. But I'm sure your son will be fine and he'll have a great time on his trip!

We have been working on potty training since right before my daughter turned two in January. We are letting her do it at her own pace for now, but if she gets to July and still doesn't have it 100%, I'm going to do the 3 day thing with her. She does great at school, but not so much at home. She is excited about the "undie-wear" I just bought her, so hopefully that will help. Good luck to you and I hope that adorable little girl of yours figures it out soon. :-)

Lucy said...

Oh I can completely relate. I'd be a wreck too if my baby was going to the Grand Canyon without me there to watch his every move. Not that he's a baby, but still.

Brandi said...

Parents were not allowed to go in their own cars? Um, I don't think so. I am a HUGE worrier... but my almost 10 year old, while showing a great deal of maturity lately, is also very impulsive. I would be freaked out for sure over a trip like that without his Dad or I tagging along.

Good luck with the potty training! :)

Jenny said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower. I can tell, from a teacher's perspective (a fifth grade teacher, no less), I FREAK out when I take kids on field trips, I count the kids 5 bajillion times because I am so paranoid about losing someone and I make sure that everyone is where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there. I understand your worry, trust me, I do but think of the level of independence your son will feel when it is all said and done. Also, living in Kansas, I am really jealous that you guys go on field trips to cool places like the Grand Canyon, so fun!

Sippy Cup Mom said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your latest follower! "-)

I am dreading potty training. Like seriously dreading.

I'd be freaking out about the trip too, but I know he'll be okay! :-)

Debbi said...

Take lots of deep breaths. I only have a 9 month old and I already am totally anti-babysitters, etc. I even had issue leaving him with the in-laws once. Shhhh. I totally understand your anxiety.
Oh and I love love love The Killers. I could listen to read my mind all day long. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower!

Krista said...

Thanks for the support, Everyone! It's been VERY difficult this week - I don't know how it's going to go tomorrow, so wish me luck.

So lucky to have the new followers, too!
Happy Thursday!

Unknown said...

Finally making my d-list blog hop rounds. I know, I should be ashamed. Anyway, just wanted to say that your daughter is adorable and ask what the three-day method is? I'm a long way away from potty training, but I'll take all the advice I can get. Even if it is early! :)

Marcela said...

I loved the dancing after peeing in the potty, I will have to try this with my daughter. I want to hear more about the 3 day method also. What kind of signs was she showing?