Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March - a first post

I can't believe how trying to manage 4 kids just takes over every minute of my day. I look at the last time I posted anything on my poor little blog and it's been over a month. A month! Everytime I take so long to write I always promise myself it'll be the last time. Yet, it never is.

I think I just realized I may never blog again like I used to. My days are filled to the brim from 7am to 12am when I finally get into bed. Then after waking about 6 times to nurse Vega (from bed, I'm not crazy) I start all over again. Breakfast, housework, playtime, showers, homework, dinner, errands, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.


I guess what this all boils down to is it's good to be back. Even if I'm around for just these few minutes as I type away, it's nice to see my bloggy woggy again and give it a little love.


For a little update....

Vega is now 4 months old and as beautiful as ever. She smiles everytime we talk to her and is just amazing. She's been teething from like, birth, and I bought her the prettiest amber necklace to keep the teething pains away. She looks very hippy/groovy when I change her and she's only left wearing said necklace. It's very granola chic. She looks JUST LIKE BOBBY. Huge eyes - beautiful eyes. Total Mama's girl just like her sister, and although she is in my arms 24/7, I wouldn't have it any other way. She is my last, by the way. The whole "mom of 4" thing - it's legit. Just ask Bobby......he had one tough day last week at the doctors and even though we went back and forth and were a bit sad at the thought of Vega being our OFFICIAL "last one," it's done. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Clementine. My darling Clemmie Wemmie will be 3 years old in wait - let me check my calenderrrrrr -- 3 and a half weeks. I'm in full party planning mode, and this year's theme is Barbie. It could've been anything really. Rapunzel, for instance, which I was tempted to do since we know every line of every song from the soundtrack that we listen to DAILY and it's SO her. But when I asked, she simply said, "Barbie" and that was that. In fact, I just ordered some really cute Barbie fondant cupcake toppers off Etsy so I guess there's no looking back now. I think this is the first year that she will really and truly understand the birthday party shenanigans. I'm looking forward to her excitement over the bounce castle and cake and presents. She's talking like a big girl now and plays outside with her brothers and neighborhood friends. Like she's one of them. Crazy.

Ethan is Ethan and is as great as ever. He reminds me so much of myself at his age. We're so proud of how well he does in school. He had "student-led conferences" this past week and seriously....he is amazing. Even his teacher tells me how much she loves him and if that isn't the greatest thing for a parent to hear at conferences, I don't know what is. He's off the charts for the Accelerated Reading program at his school, and is so eager to read everyday to keep it up. I sound like SUCH an annoying braggy mom right now, but I don't care because I don't ever brag to anyone and this is the only place I would do that because it's my personal space. So there. :)
Plus - he's funny as hell. And that's just as important as any ol' reading program.

Sebastian! My boy. Growing like a weed with his long legs and lean body. I'm learning everyday now how to parent a pre-teen/adolescent. It's strange, really. I know my little boy is in there somewhere, but he's now in this new body that likes to be wrapped in blankets as he walks around the house in this interesting "Count Dracula" way. But as long as he continues to walk up to me just to plant one on my lips, all is well. So all IS well, and I'm happy.

Happy and busy.

Busy and happy.

I have 3 photo sessions to edit by this week and I haven't even started. Life has been too delicious lately to give up any of my day time on the computer. All my babies are home (spring break) and I am enjoying every minute. Except the ones where they're hollering at one another or pinching or pushing. Yeah, not so much those ones...

But the others, yes!

And to you dear old blog, I will be back. Vega Jane will be 5 months soon. I can't wait to stop by and tell you all about it.

"Granola chic"

So cute. This boy has a love affair with the outdoors.

Eeek! Careful!!!!
(i just love her smile, so carefree, so unaware of the potential danger jumping above. ;)

Beautifulgirl - one word. All hers.

Oh! And one more thing - I am STILL working on my website, but I have a Facebook page for my new photography business. "Like" me - and let's be fb friends! :)


Michelle said...

I really love your blog! I too can relate. I have 4 kids as well. The hectic-ness of it all... I totally get it! I love to blog it's so my getaway AWAY from my kids... even they're pretty much what I blog about. I love love your pictures! So cute!

I have 3 of 4 of my kids who have their birthdays in a 12 day timespan. March 27, April 4, and April 8... so I am in ultimate party planning mode too. I love parties. I love throwing them. A Barbie party sounds like so much fun!

Marcela said...

Nice to read you and know all is well, busy and filled with love!

janae @ jelly roll said...

You AND your beautiful family are amazing. It was so great to see you today. Gonna go find your FB page to "like"! ~ janae

Angeles said...

Great update! You sound so busy and happy! so glad to hear! :) Your pics are so beautiful! really enjoy reading about your gorgeous family! can't wait till my little one arrives and be a braggy mommy too! :)