Monday, September 19, 2011

5 reasons why I love today....

....just in case I get all melancholy for some reason and forget.

1. Ethan received an award at school "For always setting an excellent example to others, showing great participation, and having a positive attitude!" I mean, I couldn't be more proud of him. Attitude goes a long way and I'm thankful that a good one comes naturally to him.

4th one in from the left.

2. Clemmie is getting over the sickies. Not sure what she had going on, but she threw up Saturday night, had a 103.5 fever, and actually took a nap - during the daytime! I wouldn't mind if she stuck to that last one. But as long as she's feeling better I'll gladly take her awake for 13 hours straight.

3. I don't have a million loads of laundry to do! Bobby and the boys folded all the laundry this weekend so I have 1 maybe 2 to tackle. Easy peasy - I'll just fold it while one of the "Housewives" is on (hopefully Beverly Hills or NJ).

4. I found the perfect mask for Sebastian's Egyptian costume he has to make for school.

5. Gonna start the Fluenz CD's I borrowed from a girlfriend. Se habla Español? Sí!

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