Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The BEG (Big Ethan Giant)

Today we're going to the bookstore. I love the bookstore. Like LOVE. The bookstore.

I bought Ethan a set of Roald Dahl books at the beginning of the school year, and he finally started to read them about a month and half ago. He was totally doing the whole judging a book by it's cover thing, so I said, fine - I'll read this to you (it was Matilda) and I promise you'll like these books. He was so skeptical. But when I say "I'll read it to you", it could be War and Peace for all he cares. Like any kid, he loves his mommy reading to him. And like most kids, it's the time spent together he loves so much. The reading is a close second.

So he finished Matilda, (his favorite so far) then read The Witches (2nd favorite) and most recently completed The BFG (which stands for Big Friendly Giant, in case you were wondering.)

And now -- I keep hearing, "Can we go to the library/bookstore, please? I want a new Roald Dahl book."

Of course, since it's a book he's pleading for, we shall go....

....and most likely, in the end, I'll have purchased new books for everyone. Because that's how it goes.

"Show me your book."

Oh, Ethan. Never a dull day...or an expressionless face.

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