Friday, August 10, 2012

School time (and a Dear Ethan and Clemmie)

I hadn't fully made up my mind until two days before she actually started preschool that she was going to go at all. But as the day grew closer, someone asked her when she was going to start school, and she looked a little puzzled (since we hadn't mentioned it in quite a while - and for good reason; will tell below). Then her face lit up and she turned to me for the answer.

An answer I didn't really have at that point, but made up on the spot based on her eager little face and her going, Mommy, when do I go to______? Like I'm gonna tell her she's not going after we registered, took the tour, and got all excited about it for a while. But for a month or so I thought for sure she was staying home and I would just homeschool her. It made the most sense - I would already be homeschooling Ethan, so I could just include her. And besides, I already have the curriculum to do it - all that would be missing is the preschool atmosphere of other kids, a new teacher, and snack time.

But then she gave me that face and that was the end of that idea. Besides, her preschool is about as awesome as you can get for a preschool - and it's only a couple hours every day. She gets to hang out with her peers and I get some quiet one-on-one time with Ethan to do some of his schoolwork; which I totally need since we are still adjusting to the homeschooling lifestyle.

Clemmie, a little about you now at 4 years, 4 months old. 
You can count to 100 by 1's, 5's, and 10's (we're working on 2's right now)
You're interested in Spanish and can count to 20 en EspaƱol without any help.
You talk in an Irish accent. It's one of the cutest things I've ever seen/heard.
You put spells on your brother with your wand and pretend you're Luna Lovegood.
You know the first 5 presidents of the United States and are currently working on the next 5.
You love this song you heard in Cancun. And sing it all the time. are so excited for school.

Your first day.

And Ethan, I am so proud of you - you are handling the adjustment
of learning at home very well. I get to spend so much more time with you. 
You have more time to practice your piano and
are learning more than ever!

And next week, you are getting fitted for your violin. Two instruments! Good thing
you have some extra time on your hands....

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