Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hark! October is Here!

Not only do I get to put up all my Halloween decor today, (which I really should have done last week, but whatevs) but I checked the temperature on my computer and it read "61 degrees in Gilbert." 

Hallelujah! Apparently, the fall dance worked.

After a dreadfully hot summer here in The Valley of the Sun, it doesn't get any better than 61 degrees in the morning. Sure, it'll still reach into the 90's today, but this is a sign of good things to come! I'm not currently enjoying the fabulous weather, mind you, since I've chosen to park myself in front of my computer screen for the next 20 minutes, but still. Just knowing that if I wanted to walk around outside with a cardigan on, I can do so without fear of my neighbors thinking I've fallen victim to lunacy. AND--I plan on bringing the girl outside with me just as soon as she gets up so we can enjoy it together.

I love the fall. 

It is easily my most favorite season. 

After seeing this photo, one of  my friends on FB called her a "fall princess."
I'll have to concur.


Unknown said...

ahhh! she is PRECIOUS in that outfit!! love it! what a cute girl.

JennyLee said...

Ohhh her little outfit!

Neisha said...

I just love the pictures that you took. She is precious!! And that's adorable. I love her little boots too!!

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful picture! That coat is gorgeous. Where is it from?

I love fall too.

Some of my favorite things about the season include:
* sweaters
* boots
* hoodies
* caramel apple cider
* the cool crispness in the air