Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11

Dear Vega,

I just put you down to sleep about 25 minutes ago. I would have jumped on the computer sooner, as my heart was about to jump out of my chest, full of emotion for what I just experienced with you, but as is typical around here, I had your sister to put to bed, a dinner table to clean off, and other miscellaneous to-do's that have to get done around this time.

But now I'm here - and let me tell you my little 8-month-old baby girl, you are THE sweetest thing.

Daddy gave you a bath and dressed you in your jammies. I grabbed you and took you to the mirror. You like to look at yourself (and any other baby, for that matter). We played with you for a few minutes and soon it was time for bed. Daddy wanted to lay you down, but I held onto you and sang you a made-up song as we danced slowly in our room.

"Goodnight Vega, Goodnight Vega.....
Goodnight Vega how I love you, love you, love youuuuu."

Your cheek was pressed against mine and you were so still, so quiet. I danced with you over to the mirror so I could see what your face looked like and you had your big, beautiful eyes wide open. I knew that at any minute they would probably close, so I kissed you and laid you down in the pack-n-play. You didn't make a sound as I left the room and all I could think about was how lucky I am to be your mommy.

Just an ordinary moment. But it was special. And I won't ever forget holding you like that.

Sweet dreams, my love.

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